Last week was my son-in-law, Chris', birthday. He's my favorite son-in-law...well, he's my ONLY son-in-law! Still, a GREAT guy! He and my step-daughter, Tori, live in Branson, MO and work for a Pearl Vision store. The owners are WONDERFUL people and have quickly become family to all of us, along with the employees. Tori works on the doc side of the store and Chris is on the "fun" "lets shop for some really cool frames" side!

While shopping at my fav antique store, awhile back, I came across this old booklet put out by Bausch & Lamb. I had this idea to take a page out of it and make a collage for Chris for his b-day. My hubbie in formed me, in no uncertain terms, that I was NOT to take that booklet apart because it was way too neat! So, we decided on the pic we wanted to use and he was kind enough to take it to Kinkos and enlarge it. He was in the copier business for 20+ years, so he knows more about them than any Kinko's employee, so I knew he'd come back with an awesome copy.
In the meantime, I was on a hunt for vintage eyeglass photos and also have a stash of vintage LIFE and LOOK magazines. I found a few there and some on the internet. I also had that great old eyeglass case, from the Texas doc, and a few pair of old batter eyeglasses.
I just started slapping it all together and covered it all, or most of it, in melted beeswax. I wish I would have checked my photos before I shipped it, because not all of them came out. I really need a new camera...some day!
Chris received his collage yesterday and he and Tori both loved it and that's all that matters. I think that baby looks like maybe Marlon Brando as a baby! He's got those eyes!