Saturday, May 23, 2009

50's Paperdoll Collage

I bought these cute vintage paperdolls awhile back and wanted to do some sort of a collage. I started with a blank 8 x 10 canvas and dove in...head first!

The canvas is covered with vintage wallpaper. The cute little pups peeping through the window came from a vintage get well card. The couch is from an anthropologie catalogue and the other pups from another greeting card. Embellish, embellish, EMBELLISH!!! The little crown on the peeping pup says, "be bold." How appropriate for a peeping pup! There are swavorski cystals on Jackie's cute little dress.

To finish it up, I painted melted beeswax over most of it. Everytime I look at it, it makes me smile. Hope you enjoy it, too!

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