Friday, February 10, 2012

30 Day Challenge of Things I love...Day 4

Ok, so I blew it. I missed a couple of days, but life happens.  Hubby got sick and I ended up taking him to the walk in clinic on Saturday. Sunday and Monday, I wasn't feeling well and Tuesday was month end for work and frankly...a day from hell! Waaa, Waaa, Waaa! Ok, moving on now...


Is that even a word?!

LOVE those knobs!!!

I went nuts when I found this gem of a chest! It was at one of my favorite antique/junk joints. The chippy paint pulled at my heartstrings and I just had to have it. There's blue paint showing through and some pale yellow and gold. The knobs are porcelain. The drawers are lined with felt and the top drawer has compartments. It's filled with my jewelry and some other tidbits, like extra buttons from tops I've purchased, stuff like that. It was nicely organized at one point, but now I just sort of throw it all in there. Did I really just say that out loud??? Ooops!

1 comment:

jackie said...

I love your chippy old chest! Love to find unusual little treasures!